ICCIR 2014
International Conference on Complications in Interventional Radiology

June 12-14, 2014
Poertschach, Austria
Don't miss it

ICCIR will once again provide an open forum for the discussion of complications, giving young doctors in particular the chance to learn and benefit from the experience of their elder colleagues in a structured and meaningful way.


To register for the complications meeting of the year, complete the online registration form and benefit from pre-registration!

Case Submission

All authors who wish to present a case at ICCIR 2014 are cordially invited to submit their abstract online by January 27, 2014. The most interesting cases will be selected and accepted for oral presentation, and registration fees will be waived and travel support of €120 will be given to all case presenters.

We look forward to seeing you in Poertschach, Austria in June 2014!

The ICCIR Advisory Board

Christoph Binkert
Arno Bücker
Klaus Hausegger
Jan Peregrin
Jim A. Reekers
ICCIR 2014